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I hate Windows

Warning: This is a rant. You have been warned. Not all statements below this line in this post are true.

In a discussion with my friend in which we were discussing the operating systems we were currently using, I happened to praise the Windows 7 operating system. I think I did it too soon. Not even a week had passed that the Windows was able to provide me with a problem that had me completely stumped. The following are the gory details.

I wanted to make bubble charts for a future presentation. Therefore I downloaded a software named amcharts. Uncompressing the downloaded file created a folder. Soon after that I wanted to remove the uncompressed folder (so that I could move it to a more suitable location) from my desktop. But Windows 7 simply wouldn’t allow me to do that.

I tried many tricks. For example, I tried the following command.

net user administrator /active:yes

I referred a thread on superuser.com but to no avail. Later I invoked the administrator account of Windows 7. Even when logged in as the administrator, Windows was able to come up with brilliant messages like “Administrator privileges are required for this action”.

After trying numerous solutions on these lines (which involved opening the command prompt no less than 10 times, opening the control panel no less than 5 times and other unmentionable atrocities) I was still not able to get rid of the satanic folder from my hard drive. After revisiting the previously mentioned superuser.com thread, I happened to read another solution and that is what did the trick.

I immediately pulled out my Ubuntu 10.04 disc and performed a live boot. Mounting the partition where my Windows 7 is installed, I silently crawled to the God forsaken location. And then, with all my might (imaginary might that is – I am too stingy to actually do what I am about to write) I hit the Shift + Delete button. Warily, I shut down the Ubuntu OS and rebooted my Windows 7 OS. And when I reached the desktop, seeing the satanic folder exist no more made me happier than I was when India lifted the cricket 2011 world cup (well that’s a bit of an exaggeration – even by the standards of this rant).

P.S.: While suffering through the above ordeal I also downloaded Unlocker – a software that proved to be of great use when I was using my Windows XP operating system. Unfortunately, on Windows 7, I have not been able to use it successfully. It doesn’t open up any GUI nor does it integrate itself with Windows shell (i.e. right clicking on a folder never yielded the Unlocker option).

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